BC Soccer is shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring the small but quality pool of talent playing at the youth Metro level. Why do they refuse to consider for provincial teams all and any players playing at this level? Case in point - my son's youth Metro team team has played a particular SPL team twice in the last 8 months in exhibition games and beat them decisively both times. Yet, this same SPL team has three players on the provincial team while none of the players on my son's team are invited to the provincial tryouts. Sure, I've heard the excuse that if a player wants to be considered for the provincial team, then play SPL. However, there are many reasons why a player may want to player Metro instead, including the quality of the coaching, location, and the ludicrous fees charged for SPL. My son gets considerably better coaching playing Metro for his particular team and attending additional clinics than he did when he played SPL and is happy to stay where he is. But why should he or any other quality player be ignored for a provincial tryout?